CSR Policy
The AK Group aims to create sustainable value and build a better society.
Our basic policy is to fulfill our social responsibilities as the foundation of our management.
CSR Polcy
- Monitor energy consumption in manufacturing processes and promote investment in energy-saving equipment.
- Monitor wastewater, exhaust, and chemicals in manufacturing processes and reduce runoff.
- Strengthen waste recycling in business activities and minimize emissions.
- Aim for carbon neutrality, reduce CO2 emissions, and work to prevent global warming.
- Work to develop and design environmentally friendly products.
01. Environmental conservation initiatives
02. Human right and Labor
When hiring, we will not discriminate on grounds other than reasonable grounds, such as race, nationality, or sex.
Provide employees with equal opportunities for promotion, training, etc. without compromising fairness.
We respect the human rights of employees and prohibit inhumane treatment such as harassment.
We will comply with the statutory minimum wage and apply premium pay for overtime work, payment methods, etc. fairly.
We will comply with statutory working hours, properly manage employees' working hours, and provide them with the right to take paid holidays.
We will not force employees to work against their will, restrict their freedom to quit their jobs, or force them to work overtime.
Do not employ children under the legal working age.
Respect the religious traditions and customs of employees and take care not to impede them through work regulations, etc.
We will identify the risks of workplace accidents, harmful chemicals, noise, odors, etc., and take appropriate safety measures.
Conduct regular safety training and health checks.
Prevent the giving or receiving of inappropriate benefits to or from customers or business partners in sales or purchasing activities.
Prevent unfair trading practices, such as collusion and cartels, in sales activities, etc.
In purchasing activities, etc., we will not engage in unfair trading practices, such as the abuse of a superior bargaining position.
Eliminate all ties with anti-social forces and organizations.
We respect the intellectual property rights of third parties, including patent rights, copyrights and trademark rights.
It will prevent the buying and selling of shares of a listed company using unpublished company information obtained from related parties of the company.
03. Contribution to the local community
Actively participate in and support local events and community contribution activities.
We aim to realize a society of coexistence by outsourcing services to local disability support facilities, etc.
We support technical education and offer internship programs in collaboration with educational institutions.
04. Fair business practices